Every existing E-commerce store’s basic attraction point is how well the website has been delivered to the customers. The products are secondary but if the quality of delivery makes the store more reliable. Elsner takes an initiative to help such sites to bring a difference in customer’s shopping experience with the help some finely designed Magento Extensions which will enable all the Magento clients to add those extra facilities to the website. 1. Shopping Mentor: It happens quite often that people are unable to find a product that suits their requirements. Shopping mentor as Magento extension is here to remove the barrier that stops the user from purchasing. Once you integrate the plugin in your website, your customers will be guided to a list of products which are generated by asking a few questions related to their needs. Apart from just listing, the customers are given knowledge about the products, this plugin becomes very useful for the non-technical person buying electrical items. 2. Business To Business Marketplace : A platform where the different number of e-commerce sites can come together and sell their products in one place. Well, now the business units can trade among themselves and charge commission with the help of Magento Multi-Vendor Marketplace extension. This B2B online marketplace gives you all the visibility features and creates a well-responsive platform for selling. A B2B marketplace extension lets the E-commerce owners earn some extra revenue. 3. Axis Bank Payment Gateway Magento 2: The checkout process is the most important part of any e-commerce site, it is not managed properly the customer might leave the page from the payment process. Well, how about integrating a payment gateway solution? An extension which aims to accept payment from all the internet linked debit and credit cards. Axis Bank Payment Gateway Extension will give you 24×7 payment support, regardless of the time-zone and boundaries. A Magento 2 Payment Gateway Extension will make your checkout process simpler than ever. 4. Store Credit Magento 2: The one thing which the customers hate is the refund of the product not credited on time. Store credit Magento 2 provides in-store money which can be utilized for the refund or reward purpose. Use the refunded money anytime for any purchase made from the store. Track your customers’ payment and refund status with the help of grid maintained for each customer. Magento 2 Store Credit Extension will be of great benefit to both the customers and store owners as both are served with a dedicated account section to manage their purchase and sales. 5. Gift Card For Magento 2: Does it happen to you that you want to give a gift to someone but can’t think of any suitable present? Then the Magento 2 Gift Card Extension is your best possible answer to send to deliver gift coupons which he or she can use to purchase any online product. Thus, instead of purchasing a gift you can just purchase a gift card and allow your friends and family to choose a gift on their own. The most fun part about the extension is that you can easily generate and upload the gift codes. Apart from this with the help of gift card extension keep the track of all your purchased gift cards that you have sent to your family and friends. 6. SMS Manager: After placing the order, it is quite frustrating to keep track of your order status. What if we say that you can get all the updates which just click away with the help of SMS notification or text messages? The SMS extension for Magento does all that and keeps the customer in a constant loop of their product. You can not only track your order with easier but will remain up to date for any new event occurring on the e-commerce store. And if at any point you feel that there are too many notifications you can even choose to unsubscribe from the SMS Manager Magento Notification. 7. ICICI Payment Gateway : The Magento 2 Payment Gateway Extension is the one-stop solution for all the merchants to accept payment from all the major debit and credit cards. Your customers will never face an issue of time-zone because this payment gateway serves to provide services 24×7. Magento ICICI Bank Payment Gateway Extensions can be integrated with any of your e-commerce or regular website to create a seamless checkout experience for the customers. A good payment gateway avoids the chances of customers abandoning the site after reaching at the final stage of checkout. 8. XJ Toll Shipping Carrier: The most important aspect after the shopping is the shipping service. The Australia shipping Magento extension enables the accurate shipping service to the customer. Using this extension it is easy to manage and configure settings. Australia post shipping module can be enabled as well as disabled. Also, the admin can add the testimonial, Twin purpose Roll-In-Roll-Out(RORO) vessels sails for six days a week which generates faster shipping which is an added bonus. 9. Multi-Line Discount: It bothers a lot during the online shopping when the discounted prices are displayed along with the products in the cart. Multi-Line discount extension enables the customers to view the discounted prices in the separate lines. Magento Discount extension also provides the better customer experience, after all, customer satisfaction is what matters. Multiple discount extension is also visible in emails for order confirmation and invoice. 10. Advance FAQ Magento 2: Many a time customers are unable to understand certain features of the website Advance FAQ Magento 2 extension allows to have a questionnaire and their answers to the customers. The admins even can categories the particular questions which enable the user-friendly experience. Also, the Magento 2 FAQ extension will guide the user on how to build the accurate website and the Magento 2 FAQ module will help regarding the functions of the extension. Source : https://www.elsner.com/10-must-have-magento-extensions-for-accelerating-your-ecommerce-store-in-2018/