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All you need to know about VuePress: An Awesome Static Site Generator

VuePress is a statistic site generator known to contain two parts, one is a theming system while the other component is an optimized theme for writing documentation. Laravel development services offer complete site generation from VuePress because they know all codes and technicalities involved. You can build a single web application power by Webpack and VueRouter. These web applications normally contain pre-rendered static HTML. VuePress is simple and effective and you can enjoy making the best kind of sites from it if you get used to it.

Getting Started with Vuepress

Reasons That VuePress is Wonderful

VuePress has Markdown files. These files allow you to write Vue inside Markdown files. Markdown files are compressed to HTML and processed as template to Vue Component.

Wonderful Extensions

VuePress have Built-in extensions that really make you to take Markdown writing to the next level. There are some extensions that you can simply use to make characters and page components. Header Anchors for example is an extension that converts headers into anchors. Links is an extensions that converts links into Markdown files. The extensions are many and you need to master their significance if you want make wonderful works.Visit

Pre-Installed Themes

VuePress comes with its own set of themes to make you easily apply. Unlike on other development software where you need to upload themes, this one is already installed and your work is just to pick and use. Example of themes include optional homepage, auto-generated Github link and page edit Links to make you enjoy easy laravel development. You can customize themes if you want because there is a custom theme feature that comes pre-installed.

Pre-Installed Google Analytics

For purposes of keeping your generated sites on perfect track, there are Google analytics that will act as informants to make you know whether your site is relevant to search engines or not. This makes you to only the perfect thing which means site will be perfect after you are done. You will be making high performing sites that you will be proud of.

Conclusion :

Besides all that, it is known to be a multi-Language software that has the best usability to all people from any kind of language. It has self-explanatory system to make you enjoy your development tasks at all times. Tutorials are offered by it is an easy to master software that you can easily learn and use perfectly. visit here:

Author bio:

Author -Harshal shah

Address-305,306 Iscon Center,

Shivranjani Cross Road, Satellite,

Ahmedabad, India.

Phone number- +91 79 4006 2525

Phone number- +91 79 4006 2525

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